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Five Elements

Five Elements

The “five elements” (Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Void) is the principle of equivalent transformation and spatial mobility happening by the energy of substance and power. It is the symbolic concept approaching the origin of continual change of all creation (the impermanence of all things). From a visible element such as phenomenon, regardless of it being organic or inorganic, all existence cannot be spoken of without a space being a collection site of the shape and form of substance and the connection of power and movement. A colloid (rubber form) glass which is in between the liquid phase and solid phase can only memorize the form of “Earth (solid/combination), Water (liquid/flux), Fire (energy), Wind (gas/movement), Void (place and location/inclusion) with temperature change. All existence is also restrained the freedom of shape, form. and position by the association of heat, substance, and power. The art work which formed the fundamental unitary of the impermanence of all existence in the moment when the restraint of the five elements beautifully manifest, appeals the fundamental principle of all existence to the audience.

Ancient Dream - Jurassic Period Vase

51 × 22 × 22cm, 2014

Ancient Dream - Sea of Silurian Period

30 × 25 × 25cm, mixed media, 2014

Ancient Dream - Sea of Silurian Period

26 × 18 × 20cm, mixed media, 2017

Ancient Dream - Volcano

42 × 32 × 26cm, 2014

Babble Seeds

26 × 12 × 12cm / 46.5 × 15.5 × 15.5cm / 36.5 × 14 × 14cm , 2014

Transform Water #2

34 × 17 × 11cm, 2014

The Sun Plate

49 × 35 × 22cm, 2014

The Sacred Fire

56 × 20 × 20cm, 2014

Windy Hill

45 × 20 × 20cm, 2014

Dance of Wind

26 × 23 × 23cm / 41 × 32 × 32cm, 2014

Gaia Plate

55 × 34 × 25cm, 2014